Review Philosophy
Design Science differs from traditional archival publications in that it aims to provide bridges across diverse disciplines. Published articles must have material reasonably accessible to a wider audience than is typical for single discipline venues. Early sections in the paper will be longer and include material well-known to the specialists but necessary for comprehension by the non-specialists. In addition, some papers will be explicitly tutorial or review papers and will be identified as such.
The goal of the reviewer is to assist the authors to present their work in the best possible manner and with the highest possible archival value for the community. Reviews must be sufficiently comprehensive and with constructive critique. Given the specific aims of Design Science, reviewers should specifically assist the authors in making their work accessible to the intended wider audience.
Review Process
As noted in the authors’ instructions, Design Science follows a single-blind, two-tier review process. Reviewers will interact directly with the Associate Editor assigned to the submission using ScholarOne: The ScholarOne website contains detailed instructions on the mechanics of the review process.
Becoming a Reviewer
Additions to the reviewers’ list are made by the CIE and AE. Reviewer volunteers should contact an AE closest to their area of expertise and offer their services. The simplest way to become a reviewer is to submit a successful paper to the journal.